A Townhome Community
Applications For Occupancy
From this page you can access the forms needed as or a renter of a unit, to apply to the Sonoma Bay Homeowners Association, for Occupancy and Pet Registration.
How to Apply:
Please read instructions then
All applications must be submitted to the office on site. Faxed or emailed Applications will not be accepted.
All applications must be filled out completely, incomplete applications will be denied.
It can take up too 30 Days to review Applications.
If your application is approved you must bring $25.00 for each car for a Bar Code. We accept money orders or cashiers check. No Personal Checks. Purchasing a Barcode is required in order to issue your Certificate of Approval.
If an application is denied Reason will be given to the owner if requested.
Renters Application For Occupancy
Owners Application For Occupancy
To Order an Estoppel:
1st - Send Request Via email to Sonomabay@yahoo.com
2nd - Send $299.00 check Estoppel Fee in advance made out to:($100 additional to rush request)
Sonoma Bay
Attention: Estoppel Request
601 Heritage Dr #131